Getting More from the Incoming Corn Crop

In Part 1 of our Challenges of Ethanol Production series, we focus on the primary goal of efficiently producing the most ethanol from a corn crop.

No matter your production method, getting the most ethanol out of the corn crop you start with is always the primary objective. But this also means there is little room for error. Ethanol plants absolutely need to be completely ready to make the most of every corn crop that comes through the plant door.

To decrease the opportunity for errors and waste, plant operators will most likely benefit from increasing their scrutiny on the following areas:

Monitoring accuracy of recipe calculations


Maintaining tighter control over ethanol production variables

Generating reports and analytics from the data capture in the entire process

Keeping collected data as a single source of truth and accessible to the right user

All of this can be done electronically using an MES solution; it will allow the plant to maximize its yields by capturing, collecting, and properly presenting the data generated at every step of production. Workers can use the data at their fingertips to compare variables in the process’s inputs to the resulting outputs and then use the results to identify the ideal way of operating their equipment.

For example:

In a dry mill ethanol production process, an MES solution provides efficiency data and yield information at multiple steps in the process, such as milling, liquefication, fermentation, distillation, and so on, to not just provide yield data but actionable data to pinpoint which step an issue might exist.

An MES solution offers the benefit of knowing that the entire team is working towards the primary goal of efficiently producing the most ethanol from a corn crop.

If you are interested in an MES solution that can:

  • Provide a centralized hub for all the data collected in your ethanol plant
  • Support your efforts to overcome the daily challenges of ethanol production
  • Ultimately guide you to optimal plant performance

We encourage you to look at Orbis MES. Learn More.